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Beyond The Stage

One Last Interview at the End of the World with Jinkx and Major

Editor's Note: While we spoke to both Jinkx Monsoon and Major Scales for this interview, the two are currently not on speaking terms, so questions were asked separately and melded together to create this piece. We at Seattle Rep sincerely hope the reunion performance you are about to see acts as a bridge between these two incredibly talented yet estranged artists.

Seattle Rep: We are almost halfway through the year 2065. What have been your greatest accomplishments this year so far? What do you hope may happen before this year is up?

Jinkx Monsoon: Well, I'm busy as always, darling. As you no doubt know, I just finished my latest gripping dramatic work for the screen: a series of commercials for Glo-Plait, the radiation-based weight-loss yogurt of the future. At my age, the biggest accomplishments are whatever keep my blood and various other fluids working through my veins for another day. How I do that, however, is between me and my doctor.

Major Scales: This year I wrote a jingle for a cutting-edge brand of cat food; is it food for cats, or food made of cats? You'll have to listen to the jingle to know! Otherwise, I've just been doing what I can to earn enough NFTs to pay the rent. Why? Do you need any work done? Anything...?

SR: You have been estranged from your musical writing and performance partner for years now. What do you see as the biggest challenge coming back together for one last reunion show?

Major: Oh, what could go wrong? I love Jinkx. The audience loves Jinkx. And Jinkx loves Jinkx. Between the three of us, it should be a ball. But if she goes out of key on a single song, I swear I'll take that warbling little peacock by her waddle and... [Editor's Note: Mr. Scales trailed off incoherently for several minutes following this response.]

Jinkx: Oh, there will be no challenges on my end, I assure you. I've remained the consummate talented, beautiful, humble professional. I can only hope that that one [referring to Mr. Scales] still knows how to keep his wormy fingers working that electric piano, or so help me I'll grab that twiggy little balding so-and-so by his tuning fork and... [Editor's Note: Ms. Monsoon fell asleep immediately after these words.]

SR: We last saw you on stage at Seattle Rep in 2015. With it now being 2065, what do you see as the biggest changes that have occurred in the world over the past 50 years?

Jinkx: Well, I didn't see the Pacific Northwest seceding from the United States and becoming the Republic of Portlandia, so that was a big one. Also, it looks like the Theater got new seats, so that's nice, isn't it?

Major: What I'd like to know is, when did everyone these days get so woke? And by that, I mean how do they stay awake? Because for the life of me, I've been having trouble lately.

SR: Is there anything you hope to accomplish before the encroaching and inevitable end of the world?

Jinkx: I'm hoping to finally get an Egot. That's a Venusian mink which is incredibly rare but makes a lovely fur coat.

Major: I'd like to make my mark on the universe, to at long last create a work of art or produce an accomplishment which I can go to the grave knowing was meaningful, or provided some amount of grace, above eking out this miserable existence of just “getting by.” Also, I owe money to some pretty bad people. I should get on that.

SR: Is there anything else you would like our audiences to know?

Major: I'm only appearing onstage with this harridan once again through financial hardship and contractual obligation. That being said, enjoy the show!

Jinkx: I'd like my audience to know that I love them. I see them, I hear them, I smell them... Thank you for recognizing talent when it smacks you in the face, which is what I plan to do to all of you during the show. Amuse-toi bien!


See Jinkx Monsoon & Major Scales: Together Again, Again! on stage at Seattle Rep, playing through June 23 in the Bagley Wright Theater.



Disclaimer: This interview is intended to be tongue in cheek. Jinkx and Major's relationship is totally fine, and Seattle Rep does not claim to know the future.

Pictured: Jinkx Monsoon and Major Scales in Unwrapped at Seattle Rep (2015). Photo by Nate Watters.